Foundation of Geometry

This unit bundles student expectations that address the logical structure of a mathematical system. In geometry, this structure is founded on three simple concepts (point, line, and plane) that are referred to as undefined terms, and relationships between these terms are explained through additional defined terms, postulates, and theorems.

Undefined Terms

Students will be introduced to the undefined terms: Point, Line, and Plane.

Defined Terms

Students will be introduced to defined terms such as: space, co-linear, co-planer, skew lines, and parallel lines...

Intersections of Geometric Terms

Students will learn what results from two lines intersecting, two planes intersecting, and Line and a plane intersecting.

Ruler Postulate

Students will work with example of the ruler postulate.


Students will be introduced to parts of an angle along with how to name an angle.

Angle Classification

Student will learn the difference between Acute, Obtuse, Right, and Straight Angles.

Protractor Postulate

Students will learn how to use the Protractor Postulate.

Angle Relationships

Students will learn the difference between Adjacent, Vertical, Linear Pair, Complementary, and Supplementary Angles.